Friday, September 7, 2012

Dear Future Mommy Cameron

Hopefully you are reading this and are still flirty joyful and madly in love with your husband and you have 3-4 beautiful healthy loving kids. My hope is that you will one day look back at this post on a day where you are feeling overwhelmed, the kids are being crazy, the dog is barking and all seems to be falling apart.

Do you remember the times you saw little kids and your heart melted because you wanted one so badly? Remember the times when you ohhhed and ahhhhed over little kids or made faces at them? Remember when you stared at children because of their innocence and beauty? Remember when you were so sad for the little kids whose parents didn't listen to their stories, or seemed to busy for them?

You don't? Well think back to those times and now thank God because He has blessed you with bundles of joy that love YOU and are YOURS. I'm sure it's hectic but they love you they depend on you and they need you.

Be the mom that loves at all times, who makes cookies just because, and whose house is the house to hang out. Please when they are little (and big) listen to every single word they say, listen to their crazy imaginative stories, build forts, play with them (never be too tired to play), make their favorite meals, have fun theme nights, and be forceful/lovingly disciplined.

The Lord has blessed you - I know He has no matter what your family looks like. But love at all times, relax, take a deep breath, know that God is in control and that your house/life does not have to be perfect.

Now go hug your kids and listen to their stories
  With all my love- Cam

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I loved my mothering days and now I'm on to grandmothering!
