Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Serving People, Loving God

If you didn't know, this summer for part of the summer I have the privilege to watch and learn from the wonderful Godly women at Mobile Meals. Goodness there is so much that I have learned in two weeks that I just can't wait to write it all down. Like most of my posts this will be a little scattered but it's everything that I've learned and noticed in the past three weeks. And as usual let me apologize I'm so very sorry it's been forever since I've posted!

Week 1:  I worked with Edna. Now Edna is a sweet older lady who is the "Director of Outreach." She has her way of doing things and let me tell you things get done! So my first day I did paper work for 6 hours (filing, alphabetizing, organizing,etc.), I came home after that and said I refuse to be a secretary. The next day and for the rest of the week I came in and I got to go out with her to "screen people" (basically see if the people who call in are eligible for mobile meals). Now this made things much better because Mrs. Edna and I got to chat on our long journeys to the ends of Spartanburg county -which is a lot bigger than I thought!  But I loved it because I learned a lot about her family and it was evident how much she loved them and especially her husband. Anyways so we went out and screened people and I learned two things. One- it breaks my heart how sweet people can be and much in need people really are (we are oblivious to people around us and how much need they are in) and Two- some people just like to take advantage of the system. Now let me throw a few statistics your way. Mobile Meals is currently serving about 2,000 people every day and Edna and I screened about 4-5 people every day. Now for a month if Edna screened 4-5 people that's about 100 new people a month that need help. So that was week one- started off a little rough but ended up being wonderful.

Week 2: This week started off a little rough as well. I was suppose to work with the Route Coordinator  but there really wasn't much for me to do. When I got there I went in and talked to Jayne McQueen the president and visionary of Mobile Meals (she is an absolutely amazing woman who loves the lord and people with all her heart). So then she sent me in to talk with Clint about how routes are coordinated. Lo and behold he is Edna's husband and let me just tell you he absolutely ADORES Edna he said "She is the closest thing to angel on earth." Let's just say learning about the routes wasn't difficult to catch on to and was a little boring so Clint shared stories with me and let me just tell you about a story he shared. He told me that he was in the Korean war and wasn't sure the Lord's plan for him there and why he was there but he trusted the Lord had a plan. While he was there he took many many pictures of the little Korean children. Well when he returned he met Edna then they had two daughters. Their oldest daughter is married and instead of having children she adopted 3 Korean boys. She told Clint that when she was younger she would stay awake after her parents went to bed and flip through the slide shows of the Korean children and she just fell in love and that is why she decided to adopt. With tears in his eyes Clint said that even though he didn't know why he was in Korea at the time obviously the Lord had a plan for those 3 boys to be rescued. ----I'm telling you the people at Mobile Meals are absolutely amazing.

Since I learned pretty much all about the Routes in less than 3 hours, on Tuesday I was able to attend the board meeting as well as go out a screen a lady by myself (apparently this was a BIG accomplishment that Edna would let me do it alone). Then on Wednesday coming in to work knowing I didn't really have much to do I came in and organized spoons, did paper work, went out to lunch with Jayne and Tony -the Mobile Meal chef who is absolutely wonderful (we had wonderful conversations about marriage and life), then sat in on a meeting about recycling. Knowing I wouldn't really have anything to do on Thursday I was a little worried but Jayne sent me in to see Vivian. I absolutely ADORE Vivian- she is the Volunteer Coordinator. She took me under her wing and on Thursday morning I came in at 7:30 and helped on the line- basically scooped food into containers for 2,000 people. Then I came out of the kitchen about 9 and volunteers were already filing in to grab their routes and deliver food. I went up to talk to Vivian to see what she needed me to do and I called a few people for her and when I came back there were these wonderful older gentlemen: Gentry, Johnny, Billy and Robert. Gentry graduated from Clemson in '56 and Johnny wasn't much of a Tiger fan but we joked about it, Billy picks up bread every day at local grocery stores and he treats me just like an old friend, Robert is a retired city sheriff (I believe). Let me tell you I fell in LOVE with these men! They were so sweet and kind and joked around with me. I also learned if anyone ever needs an ego boost just go find some sweet old men and they'll constantly tell you how pretty you are and how they are sure boys are lining up (haha it just makes my day!). Well anyways Gentry asked me what I wanted to do after I graduate and I was explaining how I want to do missions for a least a year after I graduated and he just LOVED that and was telling me about a girl that goes to his church that is in the Philippines and he felt she should be my mentor so he is getting me her information (if that wasn't God reaffirming then I don't know what is). Later on Gentry made it a point to come up and say "Now Cameron, DON'T you go get a boyfriend before you go on that mission trip because I think the Lord wants you to do this before you find the right one." ---- Since then, I've heard things very similar from people that are volunteering or a sweet older gentleman I delivered meals to. Anyways maybe its a sign and a reassurance from the Lord that He has the right guy for me I just need to be patient and do His work.  ---- Now that leaves Friday. I went in early to work the line again and then was put on the task of putting canned ravioli in bags for each route for Monday's meal (since it was Memorial day). I'm sure you can assume by now that I LOVED it and I met some WONDERFUL people but I'm going to tell you about Sam. Now Sam lovingly known as General Sam is known by all and knows all.  He is an older gentleman who comes in every morning because "he is bored and has nothing else to do." He watches everyone come in, helps people get their sheets, tells people when they are doing things wrong, and when it gets close to 11 looks at Vivian and me with displeased looks like "these meals need to go out pronto." He is quick as a whip and is a sweet little soul. I didn't think he'd open up and talk to me but Friday he was telling me about his son and about when he use to go to some Clemson games even though he doesn't really like them very much.

Week 3: I'll write about it in my next post:) But I'm working with Volunteers so you know I LOVE IT!

This is what I've learned so far: it is absolutely necessary to surround yourself by people who love the Lord, if you have a passion and the Lord has given you that passion He will make it fruitful as long as you trust in Him, nothing you do is because of you its all because of the Lord, corporate world and nonprofit world are completely different yet kind of the same, its absolutely necessary to have people who are strong in their faith to work for/with you- just about every conversation I've had at Mobile Meals the Lord is in it, having a good board committee is essential, the Lord is giving me signs for my future, and most importantly I HAVE to work with people every day and have tasks I literally cannot do behind the scenes stuff like finance and filing- I just need to be with people.

I hope yall are doing well! Thank you for reading if you did. My little words of wisdom for today are-- just listen to what the Lord is telling you even in the simplest things.

With all my love- Cam

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I have a really exciting life ahead of me

 So guys, I was just thinking about all of the seniors graduating, looking for jobs, going to grad school, or trying to figure out what they want to do.  I'm beyond excited to see what they end up doing because I have no doubt in my mind that all the seniors I know will be successful in whatever they endeavor. I am proud of all of them: who they are, who they are going to be, their dedication they put into school, and their love they put into Clemson.

 But with the loom of graduation overhead I started thinking, hmmmm when my graduation day comes next May what am I going to be doing after? Well that is a GREAT question because I have YET to find an answer. BUUUUUUUUT here is what I have noticed and what I've been thinking. I know for a fact I will not be getting a typical job after I graduate, I will not be at a desk, I will not work 9-5, I will not be writing paper work, I will not be teaching children, or answering phone calls. I will be doing something adventurous and living by faith. For most people I suppose it's just what is expected after you graduate you find a good job and then work up from there or you go to college and find the man of your dreams and get married. Well so far, that is NOT the case for me.

  My dad came to Clemson the other week and took me out to dinner and we discussed what I wanted to do after I graduated. I told him that I will not be getting a typical job when I graduate and to my surprise he said I don't expect you to and I don't think you will either, I think you need to get a worldly missions experience for a year under your belt--- I'm sorry what!? THAT'S SO INCREDIBLY AWESOME that my dad doesn't expect me to hop right into the "real world" and knows that I want desperately to do world missions.

  That's when I started thinking- hey you don't have to follow the "norm" and what really is the "norm" anyways? Why live a cookie-cutter life when life has so much more to offer? Then I started processing what I truly would want to do in my "early 20's". Here's what I have so far (it's not really a bucket list more of a this would be awesome to do type list): work at JH Ranch as summer staff or full staff, go on the World Race (travel to 11 countries in 11 months and do mission work),  live and serve in the Choose to Invest orphanage when it is ready, be apart of Knoxville Fellows (a ministry in Knoxville where you have a part time internship, serve Knoxville, and get seminary credit), be a Clemson college recruiter, and go to culinary school.

    Now later on in life I would love to have a big family with a loving wonderful husband 4 children and a chocolate lab. I also want to open a non-profit either soup kitchen or kids club for children and families to have a good meal and have a wonderful community to love and serve each other, and Kathy said she thinks I will have a little Bed-in-Breakfast so I can cook for people and be a hostess for people of all ages and races.

  Seriously guys, options are endless and I don't know where the Lord is going to lead me. Any of those things on my list would fill my heart with joy but if the Lord has other plans for me whether that is to marry as soon as I'm done with school, or go into the real world right after school I suppose He will lead me that way. But I'm encouraged by these words and I am BEYOND thrilled to think of how exciting life is and how you really should make the most of every opportunity and don't limit yourself or God.

Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Be encouraged and know that the Lord has a plan for you whether you believe it right now or not and don't put limits on Him because He has BIG plans for an EXCITING life if you let Him.

With ALL my LOVE- Cam